hey, you know what? I suddenly feel back in Eastern Europe again, LOL
I had to change my appointment with my new family doctor, Dr. Maria.
I thought I'd just pop in, maybe see if she's not busy right now, coz I assumed that woman in the cage wouldn't be very friendly on the phone if she was that rejective in person on the first occasion.
so there's like 7 people waiting, they are busy... but the secretary is nowhere. I wait there for like 5-7 minutes, then give up, walk away and give them a call.
it's the Dr answering a phone, saying that it's OK but it's a long weekend and the secretaries are already gone (it's 3 PM, they're open till 5), so could I please call back on Tuesday
and the dumb Polaks just sit there, watch me stand around at the window like an idiot and won't say a bloody word.
now that's so CEU to me...
I think I'm too Canadian already to put up with shit like this, LMAO. am I a becoming a snob? or do I just happen to like some Canadian standards in customer service?
this could be just a funnily annoying little story and should easily be shrugged off - but it's way beyond irritating that my whole week has been exactly like this, every day, with almost anything I had to do.